If you are bringing a contest entry to PUDDLE to enter on behalf of someone else, please do not fill out this form. Send this form to the creator instead. We need the creator's permission for each contest entry, even if you own the item and will not be returning it to the creator.
Real name, username, shop name -- however you want credit.
Who's bringing your entry to PUDDLE?
Your email will be used only for PUDDLE contest communication.
If possible, submit the same email address they used when registering for PUDDLE.
Check all that apply. All contest entries are automatically considered for Best in Theme. You can enter up to 3 items total for the Custom Doll Contests (Full Custom, Partial Custom, Mini, and Original Outfit). You can also enter the Dress-Like-Your-Doll contest if you have someone who will model your entry. (Note: a single outfit can be entered in Original Outfit or DLYD, but not both.)
List as many entries as you plan to enter. You don't need to describe every detail, but a few generalities (like "red-haired clock Pullip") is better than something too simple ("custom doll").
Rules are available at https://www.puddlestyle.com/events/contest-rules/