Judge Myufish chose 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for the 2012 contest, making her choices independent of fan favorite voting.
1st Place: Catch a Falling Star by dragonlady
2012 Photo and Art Contest: 1st Place Winner - Judge myufish said, "The composition is simple but straight to the point. I love its whimsy and the light hearted feeling it gives."
Untitled by Jessiesuthicha
2012 Photo and Art Contest: 2nd Place Winner - ""I love how the stars matches her eyes and she looks at you like she's drawing you in. Very crisp picture.""
Out of This World Cuteness! by CeciCuteness and StrawberryCuteness
2012 Photo and Art Contest: 3rd Place Winner - "Very cute costumes. Imaginative and playful, clever use of the theme!"
From myufish: “It’s really hard to choose from all the entries. All of them are very cute and well thought out. For me everyone should be winners. Have a great PUDDLE everyone!”
Fan Favorites
Everyone who entered received one or more votes in the fan favorites poll, but there were three clear winners.
Star Treatment by KiraKira
2012 Photo and Art Contest: Fan Favorite Winner
Sweet Dreams by CornflowerBlue
2012 Photo and Art Contest: Fan Favorite Winner
Babe, tonight the most beautiful star is sitting right next to me by Ebi